Outdoor 125g Blue Back Paper

Outdoor Poster on brick wall

Outdoor 125g Blue Back Paper

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Outdoor Poster on brick wall

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Outdoor 125g Blue Back Paper

Product details

This sturdy paper makes it ideal for outdoor poster advertising. Posters made form blue back paper have a characteristic blue back hence the name. They can be glued on to ridged boards or pasted directly on to advertising bill boards.

The blue back helps prevent any show through from previous posters that have been used underneath.

  • Artwork & Design Service

    I have my own artwork / I will design my own artwork

     Save artwork as a PDF at 100DPI 

     Your artwork is always checked prior to printing ( We will call you immediately if we feel the quality of your artwork wont display well on your banner) 

     To send us your artwork simply use our online artwork uploader or if your file is less than 15MB send it via email tosales@universalbanners.co.uk.

    For files over 15MB please use our MailbigFile account -https://www.mailbigfile.com/universaldisplays   

    Please refer to the artwork page in the menu for more details.

    Need Extra help? Simply choose from our 3 Design services below:

    Free Basic Design service 

     If you have the elements but don’t know how to put them together we can take care of that FREE of charge.

     To qualify for this service you will need to supply any high resolution logos and images, along with a brief of how you want your banner to look including any specific fonts you would like our design team to use. This service does not include redrawing low quality logos or sourcing images and includes one amendment.

    Standard Design Service

     You provide a brief of how you want your banner to look and we will do the rest!

    This service includes:

    • 3 x amendments 
    • Full commercial design service 
    • Redrawing basic logos ( more complex logos may incur an additional charge)
    • Design a high quality print File
    • Insert High quality images ( Supplied by you) 

    Premium Design Service

     This is perfect for customers who need a higher level of detail in their design.

    This service includes:

    • 5 x amendments 
    • Full commercial design service 
    • Redrawing basic logos ( more complex logos may incur an additional charge)
    • Design a high quality print File
    • Source & Insert High quality images

    We will only use licensed images that are sourced from professional photo libraries. This sometimes can mean incurring additional costs but will mean you own your image for future use. 

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